Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with fundraising - looking at a large dollar figure as a target can seem insurmountable. However, as a united community, we can all contribute to fundraising efforts, and raise awareness of lipoedema at the same time.
Lipoedema Australia has resources available to assist you in local fundraising efforts - here are some ideas of events that you might like to try:
Form a group of local helpers to organise a Bunnings ‘Sausage Sizzle’, with all profits going to Lipoedema Australia
Hold a market stall or garage sale and donate proceeds to Lipoedema Australia
Organise or host a fundraising event where proceeds are donated to Lipoedema Australia, for example:
A walk-a-thon at your child’s school
A ‘legs out for lipoedema’ day at your office
A pot-luck morning tea at your workplace
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