Lend a Hand…
Volunteering brings joy and fulfilment as you help to propel Lipoedema Australia towards its goals of Awareness, Advocacy & Acceptance. It provides an opportunity for individuals to make a positive impact, while fostering personal growth, and creating lasting connections within the community.
Opportunities to Contribute
There are lots of opportunities for you to volunteer your skills and time to help Lipoedema Australia, and support those in the community with lipoedema.
You could:
Volunteer at an event, such as our National Conference
Help us exhibit at events
Arrange a ‘show and tell’ with your local health practitioners to share your experience with lipoedema and help raise awareness
Write content for grant submissions
Participate in research and clinical studies
Organising/hosting a fundraising event where proceeds are donated to Lipoedema Australia
Share your story - click here to share your story on our channels
Speak at our events and other events to reduce stigma, raise awareness and help others advocate for themselves
Contributing content, and moderating our social media accounts
Hosting or moderating webinars
Lobbying the government
Sign Me Up!
When you register your interest to volunteer with us, we will reach out to you as opportunities linked to your volunteering preferences come up. If you would like to organise an event or have great ideas for fundraising, please let us know when you register your interest and we will be in contact.
Further Information
What is Lipoedema?
Connect to Support
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